What Marketing Promotion Do I
Start First,
For the Biggest Profit?
by Corey Rudl,
President, Marketingtips.com
So many people say to me... "where do I start? I want to make the big
impact fast!". That is not an easy question to answer without talking to you directly
about your product to see where the most potential is. But here are some general basics on
where to start.
There are a few different ways to attack the market, all with their own appropriate time
and place so you will need to strategize and develop a marketing plan.
It can take up to a couple of months to begin getting substantial amounts of reciprocal
links from other related sites and to get good placement on search engines, make these
your first priorities (I talk about this very extensively in the course as it is a very
large topic, and "doing it right" is really tricky). I am telling you now how
important this will be so you can get an idea of what order things are best done in.
Once you have submitted your site to the search engines and started to communicate with
other sites to get reciprocal links, you want to focus your time on email discussion
lists, ezines, newsgroups, Bulletin Board / Classified ads, mailing lists and commercial
online services to get immediate cash flow. These are "instant" marketing tools
that will literally generate income in a matter of days allowing you to test ads, slogans,
salesletters, and your website design to get a winning combination before you really start
to get traffic from reciprocal links and search engine listings.
These "instant" marketing tools, will bring you a lot of contacts who want to do
joint ventures with your product (or your company). While we are talking about joint
ventures, you should always be thinking about who you could contact to do joint ventures
with (this can be critically important and will be discussed in great detail in another
issue - it can really skyrocket your profits). But you have to have a proven winning sales
strategy before you do this or you are wasting your time. Be patient. It will not happen
overnight, but when it does happen, it happens very, very fast!
You will find that as time goes on, other sites in your industry will put links to yours
without you even knowing (assuming they find something valuable worth linking to). As you
grow, you will get email from people wanting to exchange links with you, and others who
might want to distribute your product in mass quantities. You will be surprised who
contacts you once you are well known, but realize that this takes time and nothing but
time... there is no way to make this part of your campaign go faster than what I am
telling you here. You will soon find out that when your online business starts to take off
you may not be able to keep up with the pace. That's why you must plan from the beginning.
Let me just touch on the potential here. If you have a good "front-end" (your
main product), as your business starts to grow, you can be implementing your
"back-end product" (products you sell after the client has bought the first
product from you) as this is where the real money is!
Don't believe me? What if I told you I generate over $24,000 in net profit EVERY month in
backends from my four businesses (yes, that was $24,000 every month, not every year!).
This is not "gross sales", this is $24,000 net profit that you put in your
pocket and take home every month! And that figure does not include the money I make from
the front-end products I sell.
Are you starting to see the power of this? We will talk a lot about back-end products in
another issue as I want to devote an entire issue to it.
Click HERE for more TIPS and our Home Study Course
Corey Rudl gets
over 6 million visitors to his websites yearly, does US$ 5.2 million dollars in sales
online each year (yes, that is US$5,200,000), and personally makes hundreds of thousands
of dollars from his online businesses... all from his one small office. So listen to what
he has to say as he knows what he is talking about when it comes to starting and promoting
a business on the Internet. He reveals all his unconventional tips, trick and techniques
with examples so you can learn most efficient and fastest way to make money on the
Internet. Go to Corey's Web Site now.
Also check out more
about Corey, the IMC, and his recent seminar in Malaysia!