"How One Small
Businessman Uses the
Web to Improve
Customer Service"
by Scott T. Smith, PromoMinder & Business Copywriting Net
Forget reaching out to the
world marketplace. The greatest benefit the Internet gives the small business is the
ability to improve customer service. Here's the story of how one businessman uses the Web
to serve his customers better than ever.
Until 1999 master tailor Joe Hemrajani offered his 100% custom tailored business, casual
and formal wear strictly through direct mail and word-of-mouth, spending considerable time
traveling to major North American cities from his California office.
But as more and more of his clients accessed the Internet from work and home, Mr.
Hemrajani recognized the importance of the Web to his business.
Clients needed a quick, affordable way to get new custom shirts and suits as well as an
easy way to reorder, so in 1999 Mr. Hemrajani launched the Web site MyTailor.com . Response to date has been excellent:
"I must tell you that, without a doubt, you have provided the most complete,
professional, responsive and courteous service I've ever had over the Internet, or
elsewhere for that matter. This is one of those rare occasions where it is genuinely a
'pleasure to do business'." David Swingler, Professor, Saint Mary's
University, Canada
Using the latest secure server (SSL) technology, clients rapidly order hand-made shirts
online with a few simple clicks to choose from a wide range of fabrics and styles crafted
by Mr. Hemrajani's top tailors in Hong Kong. The MyTailor.com Web site enables customers
to easily keep their measurements on file for rapid reordering, and helps Mr. Hemrajani
keep in close touch with his clientele on his latest offerings and next scheduled trip to
their area.
"The Internet won't ever take the place of personal contact with my clients",
Mr. Hemrajani states. But it has become an important element of his customer service and a
successful new aspect of his marketing mix.
... 'Make Profit Happen' ...
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