FEATURE: GUEST ARTICLE Internet Tricks Getting noticed on the Internet can be very difficult if you don't know some tricks. The Internet removes the geographical boundaries of space and time and puts every business on planet earth just one click away from their customer. Cyberspace does not follow the same conventional rules as Planet Earth. In cyberspace only one thing is constant, and that is change. The marketing of products and services is the driving force that demands the user expand their comfort zones with every surfing experience. The traditional marketing models that have worked so well in our offline world are as out dated as the concept of Doctors making house calls Create a message, deliver the message, and wait! Sites that are making money online know that if you wait or allow your customer to wait they will go somewhere else and BUY. To gain a market share on the Internet you must first promote your site, letting the visitors know you are open for business and make it easy for them to find you. There are many different ways of getting noticed on the Net and all of them have worked very well for the businesses that have used them. I would like to offer one of my favorites: "Web site awards." Web site awards is one of the fastest ways of getting noticed on the Net today. It is an important part of your promotional plan and can put your name in view of thousands of potential customers almost instantly. Internet Awards come in many forms and each type has its own value and promotional impact. The majority of sites that give awards offer not only the trophy (icon) for a job well done but also offer each winner increased traffic levels. If your site was selected by one of the high traffic sites like USA Today or Yahoo, it would be featured with a brief review as well as a link back to your site. Many of the winners have seen 50,000 new visitors a day show up on their tracking systems. Yes this is short-term exposure but if your site is ready to take advantage of these new visitors the benefits could be long term. When using awards as a way to promote your web site keep in mind that there are awards given for every specific topic: business, marketing, best design, best use of color, to name a few. They are industry-specific, too. Winning awards just for the award is great but it will not promote your site. Some awards are yours for the taking (no criteria to meet); this is not only very time consuming but also has little or no value in terms of promoting your site. Keep in mind the following when submitting for an award: 'Will I be placed on a winners list or be featured in some way so that my site's name and URL will be seen by a large number of potential customers?' Or, 'Will the award come from a topic-specific site that will bring qualified visitors to my site?' If the answer to these questions is yes, then invest the time to submit for the award. The true test ofwinning awards is the increase in traffic to your site. With every award you add a promotional link from their site to yours. If you want to know where to submit for some of the BEST awards go here. Bob Petet
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