FEATURE GUEST ARTICLE FAQ: How to Get Insanely Rich on the Internet By: By Linda Cox J.A.M.G. Welcome to the Total Idiot's Guide to Internet Success! Let's begin: Q: How long will it take me to get insanely rich?A: Depends on you. Probably two weeks. Some people take as long as a month. Q: Does it take hard work or long hours to get insanely rich?A: No. This is the internet. Q: Can just anybody get insanely rich?A: Yes. This is the internet. Q: How do I proceed?A: As you're surfing around the net you'll see banners and links that say things like "Make Fourteen Million Dollars in Ninety Days, Click Here to See How!" Simply click the link to get started. Q: It won't really take ninety days though, will it?A: Of course not. They just say that so you'll be pleasantly surprised and so it doesn't sound like hype. Q: Okay, I've found one that says "Retire to Your Own Caribbean Isle in One Month!" Is that good?A: Perfect. Q: What does MLM mean?A: Nobody really knows. Morons Lose Money has been snidely suggested by the little-brains. Q: I signed up and now I sell low phone rates. They say it's the easiest thing to sell because everyone uses a phone. And since it's MLM, by the time my third level is operating I'll be making $345,915.45 per week.A: Conservatively. Q: They say the first step is to get my mother into the program. Why is my sponsor happy that Mom has Alzheimers?A: Your sponsor is a shrewd business person. People with any sort of memory disorder make the best targ... uh, clients. You can switch your mother's long distance carrier for her, and then start calling the other members of her support group. Q: That sounds a little fishy.A: The ends justify the means. You are offering people substantial savings on long distance. It's for their own good. Q: How else can I get new business?A: Spam. Spam. Spam. Q: I thought spam was bad.A: No, spam is good. Anyone who says it's bad is just jealous because their brains are too small. Q: But won't I lose my web host and ISP?A: In the get-rich-quick business, it's important to cultivate an attitude of zen-like non-attachment toward service providers. Q: What else can I do to promote my new business?A: Here's a list of suggestions:
Q: Okay, I've done all that and I'm still not rich. I haven't even driven my hitcounter to its knees yet. What am I doing wrong?A: It's possible that you're not very bright. Consult one of your friends who has retired on their internet earnings. Q: What if I don't have any friends who have retired on their internet earnings?A: Then contact someone on the internet who has retired on their internet earnings. Q: What if I've never heard of anyone retiring from their internet earnings?A: Well, then maybe you can be the first. Q: You're pulling my leg, right? A: Oops! Sorry, I thought FAQ stood for Facetiously Answered Questions! Never mind. ----------------------------------------------------------- Linda Cox (J.A.M.G.) was actually a real-world
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