FEATURE GUEST ARTICLE "MAKE MONEY USING THE RULE OF SEVEN" By: Ernest Seger, Internet Business Marketing "The Rule of Seven" has been taught in business schools for years. Your average prospect needs to be exposed to your sales message at least 7 times before they will become a motivated buyer! On the Internet, the average conversion rate from web site visitors to web site buyers is less than 1%! Therefore, if you hope to be successful in an online business, you must seriously follow up because most people will simply not buy on their first visit (would you?) Your first step is to ethically collect email addresses of interested prospects. There are many techniques for accomplishing this that are beyond the scope of this article. Then you must follow up on EVERYONE who visits your site or sends you an inquiry. An incredibly difficult task. Unless you use an auto-responder ( or Mail-Bot). Which is simply a program that automatically sends a follow-up message - or a series of follow-up messages - to anyone who sends a request to its email address. Let me give you an example. Click on the following link to send us a blank email (you will receive a coupon redeemable for free software - fun, but not the point): mailto:netprofit@aweber.com Now pause and check your email inbox, where you should find a message waiting for you. Do you see what just happened? You sent an email to an auto-responder, which followed up with you automatically. Plus, you are automatically scheduled to receive six follow-up emails (don't worry - stop the follow-ups with simple instructions that are on each email). Now think about the Rule of Seven. You have just seen an auto-responder in action that is set up for seven automatic messages! Use Autoresponders to follow up with your prospects on-time - EVERY time - without ANY effort. Easy, fast, and automatic. But not all autoresponders are created equal. Here are three that we have used - their good points and their bad. SmartBot Pro is a free service ( http://www.SmartBotPRO.net ) that appears to do an excellent job. However, I do not use them. Why? Because every message sent by SmartBot has an advertisement for SmartBot RIGHT AT THE TOP of every email message sent! It is a fine service, but I want to use my emails to sell MY service - not SmartBot's. AWeber is another fine service that is extremely efficient. The only draw-back is that the advertisement- free service costs $19 per month. If you want to have several auto-responders working at the same time - it can become cost prohibitive. ( http://www.aweber.com/ ) Autobots is an auto-responder service that you should consider ( http://autobots.net ). 1) They run a free service. No costs or hidden charges at all. 2) You can have up to 10 auto-responder accounts. 3) Each account can send up to 10 message replies. 4) There are NO advertisements on your emails. It is your message alone. Whichever service you use, an auto responder will save you a mountain of time and increase your sales dramatically.
Ernest Seger Internet Business Marketing Visit Internet Business Marketing for advanced Internet marketing techniques and free software.The best idea in the world is useless ... if you can't sell it. http://www.netnetmoney.net mailto: eseger@goldenhorizon.com
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