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Learn The "How To’s" Of Getting Your Web Site Listed In The
Search Engines… And Secure The Top 10 Ranking You Need

By Corey Rudl, of the Internet Marketing Center


I’m the first to admit that getting your web site listed in the search engines – particularly in a top 10 spot – is tricky business. Every day we get question after question from subscribers who are totally confused about how they can get their web site to "appear" in the search engines.

Obviously, the "Insider Secrets" course spends quite a bit of time exploring and explaining how you can dramatically increase the traffic to your web site using the search engines. However, I am concerned that many of you may be making critical mistakes when it comes to submitting your web site to the search engines – mistakes that could be ruining your chances of getting the top 10 ranking you deserve!

So while I highly recommend that you refer to the course for more in-depth, more advanced search engine techniques and strategies, here I’d like to briefly review the different choices you have for getting your web site listed…

#1 – Use A Free Submission Service


Please… please… please! Avoid the free submission services! Remember your mother telling you not to play with matches? And remember her telling you not to take candy from strangers? Well, think of the free submission services like stranger offering you candy AND matches! Run… run fast!

Basically, free submission services offer to submit your web site to as many as 500 of the top search engines for FREE! And while that may sound like a great deal to the inexperienced site owner, the truth is that if you use a free submission service, you’ll pay! It will cost you traffic and sales that should have been yours!

Top ranking positions are NOT achieved using a free submission service. Why? Because every search engine is different! Each engine has a different "rule book" (called "algorithms") that it uses to decide where your web site will rank. As a result, free submission services are useless because they submit the same information to every single engine.

This is of absolutely no value to you!

#2 – Use A Low-Cost Automated Submission Service

Much like the free submission services, low-cost automated submission services offer to submit your web site to as many as 900+ search engines for a minimal fee (usually between $40 and $80).

This is another deal that’s really too good to be true!

Much like the free submission services, automated submission services like this will automatically submit the same set of information to ALL of the search engines. So your web site gets submitted to 900+ search engines… without being optimized for their individual requirements!

You’ll be lucky to secure a spot in the top 100, never mind the top 10!

You should also be aware that these services often promise to resubmit your web site to the search engines on a periodic basis. Again, while this might sound good on the surface, you need to critically analyze the offer.

What if you already have a top spot in a particular engine? Resubmitting your site may cause you to lose your place. What’s more, because each search engine has different rules and regulations governing resubmission, you risk being accused of spamming and having your site banned!

So while low-cost automated submission services may sound like a great deal, I personally would not recommend this route. You will be far more successful manually submitting your site, using a professional search engine consultant, or using software that will optimize your submission individually for each search engine.

#3 – Do It Yourself By Manually Submitting Your Web Site Information To Each Individual Search Engine


This is one of the best ways to submit your web site to the search engines. You visit each search engine separately, and manually submit the information for each web page you wish to have listed.

By doing this, you will be sure that you have met the specific requirements for each of the individual engines -- a key step in securing a top 10 ranking! Of course, I should point out that there are a couple of disadvantages to submitting your web site this way:

  • It can be very time consuming and labor intensive. Researching and then meeting the individual requirements of each search engine takes a lot of time and energy because they’re all different.
  • There are no professionals available to look over your keywords and titles, verify that you are using the most up-to-date search engine tricks and techniques, and then double-check your choices and test their effectiveness.

The fact is, search engines change their rules (their algorithms) on almost a daily basis, making gathering the "best" information about which techniques work, and which don’t, a labor intensive process.

#4 – Use A Professional Search Engine Consultant

I’ll tell you right up front that the services of a professional search engine consultant don’t come cheap. However, they are extremely effective and worth considering if you can afford it.

Search engine consultants will educate you and work hand-in-hand with you to maximize your exposure in each search engine. They know all of the latest tricks and techniques for securing a top spot, and will show you exactly what you need to do to optimize your web site for the best possible ranking.

I deal with a few companies like this and they all charge approximately $600 to $900 for their services. They evaluate your web site, help design keywords and content, give tips and pointers, and design a search engine submission campaign.

Then, when they start submitting your information to the top search engines, they will not only maximize every single field in the search engine submission forms, they will also submit multiple web pages from your site (this is a more advanced search engine technique that we discuss in the "Insider Secrets" course).

If you can afford it, I recommend hiring one of these "top notch" search engine consultants to submit your site to the search engines. They are not cheap, but they will take care of everything from designing your keywords to providing a written report 90 days later to let you know where your sites are ranked.

Plus, in many cases, the traffic generated by a top position will more than pay for the cost of the consultant. It’s just something to keep in mind when making this decision…

Note: If you are interested in learning more about what a search engine consultant can do for your business, and want to speak directly with the consultants we use, click here now to fill out a special form, and we’ll automatically forward it to the company who we currently feel is doing the best job (this changes periodically).


#5 – Use Submission Software

Until recently, I can’t honestly say I recommended search engine submission software. This is because most of the software out there does exactly what the free and low-cost submission services do; they submit the same set of information to all of the search engines… so your site is never optimized and you never secure the top ranking you need.

So if you’re going to use submission software, here’s what you need to look for:

  1. Software that guides you through the important process of choosing keywords and descriptions that will generate maximum traffic for your web site. (Choose the wrong keywords, and you can really harm your ranking…)

  2. Software that takes the information you input and prepares an individual submission form for each search engine. Make sure that each search engine receives the exact information it requires… without you having to submit to each engine separately!

  3. Software that automatically submits your web site to the top search engines, indices, and directories.

Really, there’s only one software we’ve found that can do all of this for you (you can click here now to learn more about it), but in a nutshell, this is what you should be looking for.

Actually, I guess I should tell you that the software we use was created by the same search engine consultants that we personally use to submit both our sites and our clients' sites to the search engines (the ones that charge $600 to $900 per site).

So if you want the benefit of their expertise, but can’t afford to hire them personally, you can use the same software they are to get the top ranking you need without the expense.

Final Thoughts:


However you decide to submit your web site to the search engines, I advise you to take your time. Don’t rush in and make mistakes that could destroy your chances of securing a top ranking. Remember that search engines receive thousands of requests every day from people who want to make changes to their listing!

These requests are at the bottom of any search engine's priority list. In fact, you will have more success completely removing your listing and starting over than you will trying to change it.

So it is absolutely critical that you take the time to submit your site the right way, the first time.

Corey Rudl is the owner of four highly successful
online businesses that attract more than 6 million
visitors and generate over $5.2 million each year.
He is also the author of the #1 best-selling Internet
Marketing course online.

To check out his site that's JAM-PACKED WITH THE

EXACT INFORMATION YOU NEED to start, build, and

grow your very own profitable Internet business, I

highly recommend visiting The Internet Marketing Center

This guy really knows what he's talking about!




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