FEATURE GUEST ARTICLE The Real Promise of Your Website by Scott T. Smith, of PromoMinder & Copywriting.net, Publisher of 'Starting Point' Newsletter
There is a lot of noise online about what your Web site can 'really' do, and the hype of 3-4 years ago is still alive and well today. But here's the truth:
First and foremost, your Web site is an asset that grows, and a terrific lead generator. So concentrate on developing the keyword-rich content of your site, including interactive tools that gather visitor information for your opt-in list.
Use direct response writing techniques to engage your visitors, and make multiple offers through bullet points, link headlines and short copy blocks that are quick and easy to scan.
Properly present your message in a low tech, high impact way, and you will -
1. Generate immediate leads and orders for your business
Interactive cgi tools and automated marketing devices built into your Web site can close sales, and the overall cost of generating new customers is substantially reduced.
5. Facilitate your communications
You can answer questions on products, services and prices through an FAQ at all hours of the day.
6. Generate inexpensive, fast market research
Through the use of response devices on your Web site you can get immediate customer feedback on current offerings. And you can quickly test new product offerings and marketing ideas without a big cash outlay for print advertising.
7. Heighten awareness about.. YOU.
Your Web site is a brilliant opportunity to shout your unique selling proposition at the entire world.
But wait! This all sounds great, but for the complete picture, you've got to balance these 7 points with a look at what your Web site cannot do.
Your Web site will never be seen by everyone on the World Wide Web. There are language barriers, but primarily there are barriers of interest. People must want to find you. In the vastness of the Internet, your task becomes making it as easy as possible to be discovered by your target audience.
In most instances, your Web site can't fully replace your present marketing campaign. You are guaranteed to reach new potential customers on the Internet. But included in your customer base are people who aren't connected to the Web and never will be. Their comfort zone in how they want to do business with you is already well established.
We've learned in our own service work that people have a communications medium of choice. Some like email, some Fedex, some face-to-face, fax or phone. We find out how they most like to work with us, and that's how we proceed.
The objective is to serve clients in the best way possible, and this builds solid business relationships. The real promise of your Web site is to provide ever-expanding access, both from you to your customer, and from your customer to you.
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