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Allow the Phone to be a Best Friend to Your Web Business

(Introducing the 5 Keys to a Great Phone Pitch)

by Scott T. Smith, of PromoMinder &,

Publisher of 'Starting Point' Newsletter


Even though many people online think they can automate their entire business, it's just not true. They still must take the time to build relationships and give prospective clients the personal touch. This is especially important for selling higher priced products and services.

If you run a Web-based business today serving a national and international marketplace, you've simply GOT to get your phone chops down and become very good at 'presentation'.


And presentation is something you must think about BEFORE you get on the phone. It goes way beyond simply knowing the benefits of what you offer to your customers, which is fundamental and should be a 'given'. Here are 5 keys to a great phone pitch that can prime the pump and make people want to buy - from YOU.


1. Embrace Your Fear

Do you get sweaty palms, butterflies in your stomach or an increase in your heart rate before you pick up the phone for a sales call? That's not all bad. The trick is to channel this nervous energy into excitement - for the opportunity, the future, and the chance to tell someone about your products and services. Your 'fight or flight' response actually puts you in a terrific place, because it makes you sharper and stronger.

2. Play the Part

From the moment you pick up the phone, play the part of success. Practice at the grocery store, library or wherever you happen to be by looking people in the eye when you speak, and smiling. Sounds simple, doesn't it? But a lot of people like to stay locked to their computers, staring at the screen. They forget that selling is actually a relationship-building process. So take positive action, in public. After that, a simple phone call can be a breeze.

3. See Your Future

Stop everything! Close your eyes, and see yourself five years down the road when you realize your ultimate profit potential online. The more detailed your imagery, the more powerful this exercise becomes. Then, write it down.


Use bullet points: 'this happens, and this happens, and this..." You can literally program yourself for success because it becomes clear which steps you must take to realize your goals.

4. Tune to the Positive

Right before you get on the phone, think about the best benefits of your products and services, and how much the person on the other end of the line will love hearing about it. It's just what they need - and it's just what YOU need, too.

5. Speak from Your Gut

Only if you feel your own passion can others feel it as well. Be vulnerable. If you absolutely love what you offer, say so! If you are proud of your work ethic, share it. Don't be afraid to whip yourself up a bit. The truth is that the features of what you offer often take a back seat to... you.


Both online and off, these five steps are core to successful communication and will serve you well. So practice your approach, pick up the phone, and go get 'em!



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