Affiliate Programs... Hit or
by Ernest
Seger, Internet Business
Affiliate or Reseller Programs can be a very profitable venture for the
Basically, you make money as an affiliate by promoting and selling someone else's product
or service. For that you receive a commission. Here are a few of the advantages:
- There are usually no fees or start-up costs.
- A website is generally provided without expense.
- There is no need to have your own merchant account.
- You have a fantastic profit margin (remember, no cost to join).
For the new "Netrepreneur" without a product to sell, reseller programs can be a
great way to start.
For the experienced webmaster already with a product, they can be a great back-end sale
for extra income.
But - as they say - nothing is ever perfect.
Although you can earn several thousand dollars every month with these programs, the
chances are slim that you will ever make a fortune selling someone else's product.
The one for whom you are selling may make a fortune. But likely you will not. That is not
a bad thing. We still live in a capitalist society.
If you can make a good living while helping someone else to become rich who can complain?
(ok, maybe resentful).
Besides, one day you may have the knowledge and skill to start your own program.
Let's first talk about how to chose the right Affiliate. After that we will discuss how to
make real money with these programs.
Choose your Affiliate(s) wisely. Don't connect your name and reputation with anything that
is less than honest.
Remember - if it's too good to be true - it probably is.
Choose a program that provides:
1) multiple products, and
2) lifetime "renewals".
For example, wouldn't you like a program where each time one of your customers buys
another product, YOU get the credit *automatically* - with or without your involvement?
It's exciting to see money earned when someone purchases a product that you haven't even
promoted yet.
That happened to us this month when Ken came out with a new program.... Make Your Words
Sell!. Imagine our surprise when we received commissions without promoting anything!
At last count (with one a month or so being added, it's hard to keep up) Ken's program
offers the following products:
Okay, so you've chosen an Affiliate Program with multiple products and
lifetime renewals.
Now it's time to...
How can you sell a product that you have not seen or used yourself? If it is not
worth the money to become a member - it is not worth selling to others.
Now let's talk about how you can make really good money being a Reseller.
You have chosen your program(s) wisely and have paid your money to become a member.
Now what?
Number One Rule - set up your own web site that someone must visit *before* they go to the
Program Owner's site!
I know - they all furnish you with a commerce-enabled site already. So why set up one
yourself? Good question. And there's a very simple answer....
Your own website will allow you to develop your own clients - not clients for someone
This is critical if you want long-term success on the Internet.
What I am saying is this...
Your website can (and should) reflect *your* personality, who you are and what are your
Let visitors get a glimpse of *you* through your site.
Make it easy for visitors to contact YOU - not the Program Owner. Consider each question
or complaint an opportunity to develop a relationship.
They are asking YOU. That's a good thing.
Publish your own newsletter at your site. It allows you to ethically follow up with
visitors over and over again. Another opportunity for them to get to know you and trust
Set up auto-responders at your site. Absolutely vital. The general rule is that you have
to contact someone 7 times before they become a serious buyer.
If you have developed a loyal clientele, they are yours. Later, when you add a new program
or start your own product or service, they will follow you (if they trust you).
Your own URL is more professional and is easier for people to remember. At our site we
promote several Affiliate Programs, but have settled on only one as our main venture.
The bottom line? Associate Programs will help a "newbie" to get started making
money fast.
For experienced marketers they can bring in great back-end money.
Just do your due diligence and choose wisely. And above all - treat your customers like
If you have a question about Associate Programs, please
send us an email
at mailto:eseger@goldenhorizon.com
Internet Business Marketing,
by Ernest Seger, specializes in Internet marketing
designed to drive targeted traffic to your site without risk.